
New labour law rules in Sweden

- What you need to know if you have employees in Sweden

DI, together with Advokatfirman Wåhlin and Revisorsgruppen, are inviting for a webinar on Swedish labour law rules which are essential to Danish companies with employees in Sweden – either in a Swedish company or “just” working remotely from Sweden.

Many Danish companies have employees in Sweden - in several different ways. It might be people employed directly in a Swedish sister company within the Company Group. Or a sales representative employed in Sweden to cover the Swedish Market. Or an IT-developer working remotely from Sweden for the Danish company.

What these situations have in common, is that Swedish labour law applies to them all. And that you need to consider implications on taxation, social security, and VAT.

A set of new rules and changes in the Labour employment act come into force from the 1 October 2022, this webinar offers an opportunity to refresh your knowledge and become updated on the MUST KNOWS.

Join us for this event where you will meet:

  • Robert Nylinder, Lawyer / Partner at Advokatfirman Wåhlin AB takes us through the most important rules and changes. Robert has many years of experience in advising Danish companies which are about to enter or already are present in Sweden, which has given him a profound understanding of the differences between the Swedish and Danish approach, both in law and the day-to-day operations.

  • Mikael Landin who is an experienced tax lawyer working for Revisorsgruppen, will give us a tax angle on the situation where a foreign entity keeps employees permanently and/or sends employees to Sweden for a shorter period. From Mikael you will get all information needed with regards to SINK taxation, Expert taxation, permanent establishment etc.

  • Moderator: Anita Kurowska Larsen, Senior adviser specialized in Employee Mobility, DI.

After the event, you will receive a recording of the presentation.