
Webinar: The Best Corporate Blockchain Practice in China

How did China become a blockchain pioneer? How are blockchain applications used in Chinese industries?


Blockchain Business Bridge invites you to a 60 mins deep dive of blockchain. To provide you with both strategic and practical inputs that equips you to work with blockchain in a business context, we have invited two experts of the highest caliber to set the stage and answer your questions:

Vincent Wang is Chief Executive of the blockchain division in Wanxiang Group - one of China's largest private industrial enterprises with annual sales of over US$15 billion. Wanxiang is investing heavily in the development of industrial blockchain solutions, and is the company behind Innova City, one of the world's largest and most advanced Smart City projects. Innova City merges sustainable urban development with innovative solutions such as self-driving cars.

Roman Beck is a Professor and Head of the European Blockchain Center at IT University of Copenhagen. He represents Denmark at blockchain standardization at ISO, technical regulation at the EU commission, as policy expert at the OECD and for interoperability at the UNECE. Roman will talk about the Danish and European blockchain market situation as well as the blockchain business bridge between Denmark and China and what we can learn from each other.