
Conversionboost 2024

Er du passioneret omkring digital vækst og ønsker at finpudse dine strategier for konverteringsoptimering? Du er landet det helt rigtige sted! Conversionboost 2024 er dedikeret til dem, der tror på at det at teste og eksperimentere er drivkraften bag digital succes. Lad os sammen udforske de nyeste tendenser, teknikker og værktøjer indenfor konverteringsoptimering og tage vores digitale forretninger til nye højder!

Som deltager vil du blive opdateret på hvordan eksperterne ser AI’s påvirkning af CRO (konverteringsoptimering), du kan lære at få mere ud af dine splittest - også dem der ikke går i ”plus”. Du vil få indgående kendskab til hvordan førende virksomheder etablerer CRO programmer og sammensætter CRO teams. Du vil høre cases om alle de dumme fejl andre har begået, som du så kan springe over.

Årets håndplukkede line-up af talere består at 7 superspændende internationale navne. De repræsenterer både store udenlandske virksomheder som Spotify og Sky (engelsk TV station) og arbejder med CRO for førende europæiske virksomheder.

Køb din billet tidligt og spar penge
I år er de første 50 billetter sat til salg med en særlig god rabat. Du kan spare 200 EUR (cirka 1500 DKK) på billetten, hvis du køber den tidligt. Der er kun 192 ledige pladser, fordi Conversionboost er optaget af at deltagerne får en kvalitetsoplevelse, fremfor at presse så mange ind som muligt.

Vi forstår betydningen af netværk indenfor konverteringsoptimering. Derfor vil der i løbet af dagen være fokus på dialogen med de andre deltagere, ligesom danske deltagere inviteres til at være med i Conversionboost netværksgruppen.

Så køb din billet nu på Vi glæder os til at se dig.




  • 08:00-09:00


  • 09:00-09:10

    v/ Ole Gregersen, founder & host, Conversionboost


    I'm the founder and host of Conversionboost and take pride in gathering these amazing speakers and sharing them with everybody whos in to experimentation, CRO and growth in general.

    For the 11th time we zoom in on optimization on both operational and strategic level.

  • 09:10-09:50

    v/ Abi Hough, Freelance CRO expert

    Have I got your retention?

    I am a freelance consultant that has worked in all thing’s optimisation for more than 20 years. I specialise in user research, functionality testing, quality assurance and evidence based heuristic analysis of websites and digital products, and have a keen interest is consumer psychology and buying behaviour.

    I like to find the problems that no one else sees, and help resolve them to make better online experiences.

    I have worked with an exhaustive list of clients including FTSE 100 members, major biotechnology companies and e-commerce giants.

  • 09:50-10:20

    v/ Bart Schutz, Chief Evidence Officer

    Evidence & Ethics Everything

  • 10:20-10:35

    Lessons learned from running 127,000 experiments

    Hristo Bakalov, Solution Architect at Optimizely, will share the key take aways from our report revealing insights, techniques, and examples for turning practitioners into champions.

  • 10:35-11:00


  • 11:00-11:40

    v/ Daphne Tideman, Consultant & Growth Advisor, Growth Waves

    Your failed experiment is your biggest opportunity

    Daphne started out as the 1st employee for RockBoost, a growth hacking agency. After consulting various startups and corporations for over five years (and helping RockBoost grow to 25 employees), she wrote a book about Growing Happy Clients.

    Then she moved to the brand side, where she helped Braincare startup Heights, scaling it from £28K to £343K MMR in 18 months. Now Daphne helps the best eco-friendly & wellness D2C startups grow faster.

  • 11:40-12:20

    v/ Arnoldo Cabrera, Global Digital Optimization Manager, IKEA

    Assembling experimentation at IKEA: 3 lessons of starting and running an experimentation program

    Arnoldo is an experienced online marketing professional with an extreme focus on delivering quality. His current assignment at IKEA covers CRO, SEO & SEM, he has a proven track record of enhancing the customer journey to drive conversions. Prior to IKEA, Arnoldo has worked across a variety of industries such as hospitality, online gaming, and IT Security. Since the beginning of 2000, he has been in the digital marketing area, with a highly focused expertise in multinational companies.

  • 12:20-13:20


  • 13:20-13:40

    v/ Ole Gregersen, CRO specialist, Optuner

    Challenges of building your CRO program from the ground up

  • 13:40-14:20

    v/ Ashit Kumar, Growth Lead, Spotify

    Optimizing for Customer Lifetime Value

    Ashit Kumar is a User Growth Lead at Spotify, in his day to day, he manages data instrumentation, workflows/pipelines and insight generation for all AB tests run within his team.

    While he is very hands-on with technical tools, he often works with stakeholders all around Spotify to help them understand the value of experimentation and behavioral data. When he is not thinking about data, he is busy exploring new and emerging technologies and economic theories.

  • 14:20-14:50


  • 14:50-15:30

    v/ Natasha Senior, Senior Experimentation Manager, Sky

    Experimenting on the unconventional: Creating an experimentation program on reducing operational costs

    Natasha has been working within the rapidly changing world of Experimentation for 8 years. Natasha has worked at Sky for the past 5 years, where life here began as an Experimentation Analyst, growing into her current position of running the Experimentation Programme across the Team.

    With a strong passion for data, research, and everything experimentation; Natasha is known for her desire to educate others and spread the message of Experimentation and its many benefits far and wide.

  • 15:30-16:15

    v/ John Ekman, Founder, Conversionista

    AI - the game-changing future of CRO

    The future of CRO is not between AI and humans. It is between humans that have AI-augmented superpowers and those who don’t. John will show us how we can use AI today with a structured non-panicked approach to the subject.

    We will learn how AI could work for us by understanding the inner workings of generative AI, its impact on society and jobs, and finally, a demonstration of real world, right here right now examples of the use of AI in CRO.

    John Ekman is the founder of Conversionista, Scandinavia’s #1 CRO agency. He is a celebrated speaker with a life-long mission to “Make really complicated stuff 
fun and easy to understand.

  • 16:15-18:00

    Snacks & networking