
What every new D2C brand needs to know

In this webinar, you can meet Daphne, a featured speaker at our Conference BrandOwnersDay.

Are you ready to launch your Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) brand but worried about wasting thousands on ineffective ads? Join us for an insightful webinar that will equip you with the essential knowledge to build a solid foundation for your brand’s success. Many new brands dive headfirst into marketing without addressing critical foundational aspects. In this webinar, we’ll guide you through crucial steps, from finding your Product-Market Fit to setting up a website that converts. Discover the strategies and considerations that will set your D2C brand on the path to success and avoid common pitfalls that can drain your budget. Don't miss this opportunity to learn how to create a robust foundation that will support your marketing efforts and drive sustainable growth.

Read more: Brand Owners Day 2024 (danskindustri.dk)


Daphne started out as the 1st employee for RockBoost, a growth hacking agency. After consulting various startups and corporations for over five years (and helping RockBoost grow to 25 employees), she wrote a book about Growing Happy Clients. Then she moved to the brand side, where she helped Braincare startup Heights, scaling it from £28K to £343K MMR in 18 months. Now Daphne helps the best eco-friendly & wellness D2C startups grow faster.

Daphne Tideman

Growth Advisor, Growth Waves