
TechTorget Denmark 2024 - LEGAL TECH & AI

The legal tech experience TechTorget comes to Copenhagen.

TechTorget Denmark 2024 – LEGAL TECH & AI is held this year on October 3rd in DI Industriens Hus - the domicile of Dansk Industri - in the heart of Copenhagen.

TechTorget is about gaining deeper insight and understanding of how IT solutions can make everyday life easier for lawyers, legal professionals, and administrative staff, and how modern technology can enhance the quality, efficiency, and profitability of a law practice.

We focus on practical everyday use and typical legal solutions such as the use of e-signatures in different processes, integrating legal information into Word – now also with AI-tools - but also AV equipment for meeting rooms, iPads and litigation software for court proceedings, and much more. It is about proven technology and lifting the legal community as a whole.

The event features a variety of formats to enhance the experience:

- Keynotes will provide a broad vision.
- Workshops will provide insights into solutions from both customer and lawyer perspectives.
- Tips & tricks sessions will offer hands-on assistance with IT and digital challenges.
- Legal digital courses tailored to meet the requirements of The Danish Bar and Law Society.

TechTorget is equally relevant for everyone, regardless of whether you work in a large or small firm, the type of legal practice you run, or whether you are a private practitioner or an in-house lawyer in the private sector or public administration.

There is something valuable here for everyone!

TechTorget is a well-known concept from Norway that DI Rådgiverne and Copenhagen Legal Tech now bring to Denmark. Co-partners to the event: Djøf Advokat

We are excited to announce the full program.