19.12.19 DIB News

Less news – still a lot of help

Blog: We have decided to close DIBusiness News – our newsletter in English. Head of Press Per Geckler, Dansk Industri (DI) blogs about DI still creating the best possible corporate conditions for member companies - and serve relevant information about living and working and Denmark.

At Dansk Industri (DI) we have decided to close DIBusiness News – our weekly newsletter in English. We still have our daily Danish newsletter DIBusiness and we are still very much present.

At DI’s English website LINK di.dk/English you can still find information on DI’s vast networks, events and delegations. It is also the place to check out our strategy for 2050, read about the Danish Labour Market Model, find legal advice and everything else related to running a successful business.

If you are looking for relevant information about living and working in Denmark in English, DI has that as well. Check out DI’s online community: Expat in Denmark

Expat in Denmark is the largest online community for internationals living and working in Denmark. It provides a platform with information about living and working in Denmark, social and professional events, such as Danish tax seminars, culture seminars and housing events as well as a place for sharing knowledge and experience between expats. Everything is available for free and everything is in English.

Sign up to Expat in Denmark’s monthly newsletter and stay updated on relevant information and upcoming events here. Or check us out at Instagram 

Per Geckler Møller

Per Geckler Møller

Deputy Director General, Press, Media and Stakeholder Relations

  • Direct +45 3377 3836
  • Mobile +45 2949 4434
  • E-mail pgm@di.dk