The debate panel at the TechBBQ consisted of: Jonas Tyle (Digital Strategic Manager at Digital Hub Denmark), Christian Hannibal, Head of Digitalisation Policy at the Confederation of Danish Industry (DI), Michael Breinholst (Head of Trade Platform i Coinify) and the moderator, Peter Kofler (Chairman of the Danish Entrepreneur Association).

Photo: Jonatan Steengaard
26.09.19 DIB News

Fear of Terminator Gives China AI Head Start

Over-regulation must not hamper the future of artificial intelligence in Europe. The AI debate panel at the TechBBQ conference in Copenhagen believe that knowledge of this technology should be propagated and demystified.

Europe risks being left out in the cold in terms of digital developments in the race with the United States and China.

Such was the opinion of the expert panel for the AI debate at the TechBBQ 2019 conference in Øksnehallen, Copenhagen.

More than 7,000 entrepreneurs and investors gathered here for Scandinavia’s largest innovation and entrepreneurship conference.

Over-regulation was high on the agenda when discussing the future opportunities and challenges of AI.

“It makes no sense to limit AI until we have finished developing it,” said Morten Petersen, CEO of Worksome, who took part in the panel debate on the event’s main stage.

Intelligent Recruitment

Worksome utilises AI technology to help companies recruit. The CEO also described how over-regulation in the EU will hamper the evolution of AI, because politicians do not have sufficient knowledge of AI.

For one thing, many have no idea of the countless benefits of artificial intelligence. Worksome’s CEO cited an example from his own company.

“Our AI recruitment does not select candidates on the basis of such criteria as skin colour, name or gender. Unlike normal recruitment,” said Morten Petersen.

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Cancer Cure or Terminator?

Anna Metsäranta, Business Developer in the Finnish tech company Solita, stressed how important it is, not only for politicians and companies, but also for the remainder of  the population, to understand AI.

“Generally speaking, there are two kinds of people when it comes to AI,” she said.

“There are those who believe that AI will cure cancer, and those who are afraid that one day Terminator will walk through the door. Neither of these two perceptions is correct.”

The Finnish business developer also pointed out that in Finland the likes of teachers, lawyers, dentists and politicians are now being taught artificial intelligence.

Initially, the goal is for 1% of the population – approximately 55,000 people – to be taught to use AI with a view to demystifying the technology.

Teaching on a European Scale

Also taking part in the panel debate at this year’s TechBBQ was Christian Hannibal, Head of Digitalisation Policy at the Confederation of Danish Industry (DI).  He regards Finland’s experiment as inspirational for Europe as a whole.

“I would like to see it happen on a European scale. AI needs to be democratised so the vision and understanding come from the bottom. But the media and the politicians must also understand AI before limiting it,” he said.

The panel debate also included Michael Breinholst (Head of Trade Platform i Coinify), Jonas Tyle (Digital Strategic Manager at Digital Hub Denmark) and the moderator, Peter Kofler (Chairman of the Danish Entrepreneur Association).

See also: DI: New technological achievement with Horns Rev 3


Artificial Intelligence


- The concept of AI or artificial intelligence relates to computers or machines that can act ‘intelligently’ and solve tasks.


- AI is often a feature of programmes that are coded to mimic human thought.


- AI is often confused with machine learning, a sub-category of AI.


- Machine learning is about algorithms that automatically improve on the basis of experience.

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Jonatan Steengaard
Written by:

Jonatan Steengaard

Christian Hannibal

Christian Hannibal

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