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2023: The Year of Startup Influence

Thank you for a great 2023 where   startups and entrepreneurship have been a top priority.   Let's wrap up the year and take a look at the highlights.

Startups Need Money, Diversity and International Scale

2023 was truly kicked off when 200 entrepreneurs, investors, and ecosystem players gathered at Industriens Hus on February 1st to form a new entrepreneurial strategy for Denmark.

The startup ecosystem was invited to present the main challenges when starting and scaling a business in Denmark and to highlight the key priorities for an upcoming entrepreneurial policy.

And the message was clear:

  1. It is too difficult to raise capital. Access to risk capital needs to be improved.
  2. We need more women in entrepreneurship and equal access to capital for women and men.
  3. There is a need for initiatives that can effectively assist startups in scaling internationally.

The inputs from the day formed DI's recommendation to the government, outlining the most important suggestions to include in the upcoming  entrepreneurial strategy.

Take a look at all the recommendations from the startup ecosystem: danmark-som-forende-startup-nation-2023.pdf (danskindustri.dk)


The Biggest Startup Dilemmas in 2023

Should female founders adapt to "men's rules" to achieve success for their startups?

Should you invest your money, time, and life in building a climate startup, or acknowledge that it is too hard to raise funding, and instead spend your time and energy on something else?

Being an entrepreneur is not a walk in the park, it is often a 180-degree hill climb. Founders are dealing with critical decision-making every week that significantly impacts their business. Therefore, we invited a panel of investors and politicians at Folkemødet 2023 to listen to founder dilemmas. Their perspectives were many, but it became evident in the discussion that we need more equal access to capital to pave the way for more female entrepreneurs, and better access to risk capital is needed to support the new green technologies that are essential in the green transformation of our society.

In 2024, DI will once again be present at Folkemødet. If you would like to get in touch with us regarding Folkemødet 2024, find more information here: DI på Folkemødet - Dansk Industri.

Global Scaling – A Must for Startups

"You don't win any points of being Danish when entering the US market". This was one of the messages when visiting New York in October with 10 scaleups at Canute's Market Entry Program, which DI has entered a partnership with in 2023. Prepare to put aside your Danish humility, forget about the law of Jante, and set the bar high if you want to scale to the American market.

The cultural aspect is one thing to be aware of when scaling to new markets, compliance and administration are others. With DI's global presence and international advisory, we are ready to assist your international journey. Learn more here.

In 2024, you're invited to join the next market entry program going to Germany and DI's office in Berlin with Canute. If interested, send an email to Senior Advisor Katrine Haahr Riisberg at KAHR@di.dk.

Corporates Possess Power, Startups Provide Innovation

Can collaboration between established companies and innovative startups be one of the answers to the global climate crisis? The answer is yes if you ask Tommy Ahlers, Founder of Look Up Ventures, Klaus Holse, Chairman of DI's board, and Maria Emilie Danø Hoffmann, Head of Ørsted Ventures and Open Innovation. At DI Topmødet 2023, two of the most promising startups within the green transition, Octarine Bio and Hyme, pitched in front of the panel.

The message from the panel was clear: We need more corporates to take action and bring in innovation and solutions from startups to move society in a greener direction.

Learn more about DI's work on collaboration between startups and corporates, and find a guide to startup-corporate collaboration here: Startup-corporate samarbejder - DI (danskindustri.dk)

From DI Startup: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Thank you for a busy, fun, challenging and uplifting 2023. We're looking forward to 2024, a new entrepreneurship policy for Denmark, and many more events and activities with you - our DI startup community. 

Remember to engage in our community on LinkedIn and sign up for our newsletter to receive an overview of opportunities to boost your startup.



Sebastian Rübner-Petersen
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Sebastian Rübner-Petersen

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